Sunday, October 17, 2010

WIP Models

Chris has been working on some models for me.  Here's what he has so far.

His initial bookshelf.  We agreed that is looks to gaudy and elegant for a prison.  So after Chris reworked the model several times.   The bookshelf needs to be appropriately used.  It needs to be functional, but in desperate need of repair.  I think each iteration got us closer.

Version 01
To Elegant for a prison

Version 02 
A little to plain, but much more appropriate for the space. Also could the bookshelf actually function on with such sever crack so low to the ground?

Version 03
Awesome except it almost appear to broken 

A church Pew

For this environment all the pews have been stripped out, however several remain throughout the space for other reasons.  There are also a few thrown in a corner and stacked away.

The look awesome by they need to be hanging from a wall.

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