Saturday, October 16, 2010

So its been a while!

Things are moving along smoothly all in all. Today I finished are the hard architectural models for the church.  All but two models are UVed and ready to that is good.  Tomorrow I need to full around and make a few tweaks in Unreal for a couple of models that changed.  But other than that the Church basic architecture is done.  This is mean that I need to start on the Soft Architecture Models (ie.  the Prison Constructs).  These should move pretty fast all in all.  Its really just some wall, doors, window bars, and things of that nature.

Chris, my assistant modeler, has been doing an amazing (and I do mean amazing job) so far.  I can't be more impressed by his initiative and turn around times.  I feel the like the communication between us is going very well.  He has been a more than welcome addition to this project.  And I feel like a great deal of of its success will be owed to him.  He has more knowledge than me in many areas.

I'm not going to be meeting my ALL MODELS DUE deadline by Tuesday.  However, this is ok because I was planning for a week for Unreal Importing.  I have been doing this as I go along.  So I can pretty confidently say I have another week for modeling now.

I will be recording dialogue this week.  In an attempt to get it out of the way early.

I really want to get my sound designers another Animatic.  However, I feel like its would be kinda worthless to get it to them in Maya so I need to finish blocking out my space in Unreal and start setting up Camera.  I will be working on this step between Tuesday and Thursday.  So they have the weekend to work with a more up to date animatic.

Well thats is all.  I am going to post several images of WIP that Chris has been working on.  Tomorrow as I finish up in Unreal I will post Snapshots of the Church

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