Thursday, September 30, 2010

Church Layout

In my fanatic hurry I forgot to post the newest church floor plan.

Some Bad Ass Concept Work

My Concept Artist is amazing.  He just sent me a more complete version of the earlier sketch.  All I can say is wow.  I really can't wait to start modeling this.

Ben's First Concept Work

The first sketch that I have seen from my concept artist, Ben.  It looks awesome.  He promised me more tomorrow.  I'll post it as soon as I can.

Monday, September 27, 2010

References, References, and More References!!!

This a very concise look at all the references images that I pulled over the weekend.  I will be compiling these and many more images over the next few hours (probably mostly in class) and creating a legit art bible.  Explaining why each image is important in more detail.

Church Door Reference

Barreled Vault References

Church Door References

Baptismal Fountains

Barreled Vault Reference

Arches and Doorways


Exterior Church Designs

General Space, Arches, and Barred Vault

General Space and Arches




Environment Designs

This past weekend I've been working out a lot of the narrative description, historical references, and photo references.  What you see are my first drafts at an Environment Design.  And as Such I also created a rough 3D mock to go along with it. 

However, in talking to my Concept Artist over the weekend, I have a feeling that my Environment Design Layout is going to change a good bit.  Ben and I had a long discussion and bounced several new ideas around.  Many of which I liked.  Thus Ben is going to work out the concept work based off some of my old ideas and some of the news we talked about.  I should start seeing some of the preliminary sketches by tomorrow (hopefully right around the start of class time).  Ben has promised me that he will have the 3D projections to me by Thursday and final paintings by the following Tuesday.  Which works out great.  I think.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


This weekend and week is all about preproduction.

I have done a lot of Historical Research in regards to the time period and religious practices of the time.  As I have already mentioned I have switch the time period to 1550s.  This cinematic now takes place during the reign of Queen Mary I, aka "Bloody Marry," who martyred about 300 Protestants in about a 3 year period. 

I have confirmed a concept artist to work on concept art for my project.  Ben Zylberman.  I am meeting to discuss this project further in detail with him tomorrow.

I have also gone to the library and have pulled several book on English Church Architecture.  I will be reviewing them through the day and will post some of references from them later.

I am also working on flushing out my Art Bible and Style Guide today. 

Storyboards will have to wait to later this week probably. 

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

To Recap my Presentation

Ok so Tuesday I gave my initial presentation for the quarter.  Besides all the technical problems I faced everything went well.  Generally speaking I think most people really like all three of my project pitches.  I also think most people agree that pitch 3, the one about 5 stages of grief, would force me into a position of being very technical rather than very artful this quarter.  It just involves way to many skills sets that I do not have.  : (

But there was a pretty even slit for my other two pitches.  While pitch 1, the prison church cinematic, was the ultimate winner, pitch 2 received a lot of positive feedback.  Professor Cookson was really hard core the idea and wants to see a actual playable level for it, as do I.  It might not happen this quarter but I really need to finish that project.  My heart is still really attached to it and I think it's a great concept.

But never the less this quarter I will be working on Pitch 1, the church converted prison.  I will be telling the story of a priest being dragged from his jail cell and then burned at the stake.   : ) So fun.  I'm really excited to get started on the project tomorrow.  It will be my main focus throughout the weekend. 

Note: I have been swamped this week preparing for the GDN meeting. Which went amazingly well.  115+ people.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Some Basic Research

I haven't presented my pitches yet but I'm pretty sure I know what project I want to do.  I just needed to figure out exactly what direction I wanted to take it in.  After doing some research tonight I think I have a much better idea. : )

I'm pretty sure that I'm going with my first pitch, the one about the Church.

However, I got a couple of the essential information wrong.  After doing a little more research I think it would be best to set this scene in England between 1553 and 1558.  This would be during the reign of Queen Mary I, who is known as Bloody Mary.  Queen Mary resorted the practice of the Catholicism to England after her father and Edward VI dismantled it.  Queen Mary then began imprisoning and martyring Protestants.  

For my project I think it would be better to base it off actual real history rather than create my own.  Architecturally speaking the project would be relatively similar.  Thus I think this would be better direction to go. 

Project Pitches

So here's a brief description of the projects that I will be presenting in class on Tuesday:

Pitch 1:

In the early 1700s, the English Crown outlawed the practice Catholicism throughout all of England.  All Catholic churches were closed up and converted into prisons.  The entire clergy are forcibly rounded up and locked away with the church.  They are now given the choice abandon their faith and live or stay true to their conviction and face the uncertainty ahead.

Environment Design: 16th century church converted into a prison. 

What I Plan to do: Model and texture one long interior corridor of a church that has been lined with prison cells on one side.  Then create a cinematic sequence telling the story of the one inmate that decide not to abandon his faith like rest.

Pitch  2:
What if the Ancient Egyptians traveled to America and began colonizing the region?  If they did they would have found life far easier here than on the Nile and their culture would have flourished.  Eventually, their American colonies would spread as far north as the southwestern region of the United States.  Their they would have eventually encountered the Pueblo Indians who would quickly assimilated into the Egyptian culture.  One day the Egyptians found a suitable place for the ultimate temple, located on the cliff face over looking the Pueblo Village and the Valley below.   Then in 1540, Francisco Vásquez de Coronado, in his expedition to discover the Seven Cities of Gold travels to the region and becomes the first European to the visit the southwest and look up this magnificent temple. 

Environment Design:  A Pueblo Village situated along a cliff face in the arid landscape of the

American Southwest.  Overlooking the Pueblo Village is pharaoh's temple.
What I Plan to do:  I would like to continue where I left off with this concept from Environment and Level Design.  I would model and texture the three quarters of this massive environment that never got touched.  As well as the go into more detail of the environment that surrounds the village.  Additionally, I would take this village into Unreal and create a playable level with it. 

Pitch 3:
The story of a mother as she goes through the five stages of grief after she looses her son.  The five stages of grief are: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance.

Environment Design: A modern day home.

What I plan to do: Create a realtime cutscene using motion capture to tell the story of a mother going through the five stages of grief. 

Friday, September 17, 2010

A Little About Me

I’m Bryan Di Fatta, and for as long as I can remember I have been creating art in one form or another. After years of learning traditional art practices from various teachers, it was apparent that I should translate my passion for art into a career. Thus, I pursued my education at Savannah College of Art and Design, where I am now a senior majoring in Interactive Design and Game Development with a minor in Film and Television.

I am an environment artist with a special interest in promoting cinematic experiences in video games. I have worked with motion capture, Vicon IQ, Maya, and the Unreal Engine. Additionally, I am proficient with the Adobe Creative Suite and Final Cut Studio. I have also taken lighting classes and understand the use of lighting as a storytelling element. I have focused my training on implementing these technologies and basic cinematic storytelling principles to enhance a player’s experience.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Welcome Friends!!

Welcome to my Blog!!  This is my first ever Blog post.  I created this blog to detail and provide updates for Studio I project that I will be working on over the next 10 weeks.  More to follow as my project develops.